Marwa Interior & Furniture

Privacy & Policy

Information We Collect

Welcome to Marwa Interior! Your privacy is important to us, and this Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your information when you visit our website. We collect various types of information to improve our services and provide a personalized experience. This may include:

(1.) Personal Information

We may get personal information from you when you contact us or complete a form, including:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Preferences for the project

(2.) Non-Personal Information

Non-identifiable information that we might gather includes:

  • kind of browser
  • Device kind
  • Operating system
  • IP address
  • Preferences and usage patterns

(3.)How We Use Your Information

We use the collected data for various purposes, including:

 Providing Services  To communicate about your design projects and consultations.

Improving Our Website Examine the functionality of websites to improve user experience. Track and evaluate the site’s traffic and trends.

Marketing and Promotions We could send you emails, offers, or information about upcoming events and initiatives with your permissio

(4.) How We Share Your Information

We do not sell or share your personal information with third parties except in the following situations:

(A) Service Providers: We might divulge information to dependable outside parties that assist us in running the website or delivering services, like:

  • providers of hosting
  • Tools for analytics and marketing
  • Processors of payments

(B) Legal Requirements: If required by law or when acting in good faith to safeguard our property, rights, or safety, we may release your information.

(5.)Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Cookies are used on our website to improve user experience. Non-personal data that cookies may gather includes:

  • User behavior and website traffic
  • Personalized distribution of material
    You can change your browser’s settings to reject cookies, but doing so might make it harder for you to utilize our website.

(6.)Data Security

We employ appropriate security measures to guard against unauthorized access, alteration, and disclosure of your information because we take the protection of your information very seriously. Please be aware, though, that there is no 100% safe way of transmission over the internet, and we are unable to provide complete security.

You have the right to:

  • View the personal information we have on file.
  • Make requests for updates or edits to your data.
  • Make a request to have your personal data deleted.
  • Refuse to accept commercial communications.

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. Any updates to the policy will be announced on this website and will take effect on a new date.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us at: Marwa Interior


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